Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 20----A Dinosaur Returns

      A rock in our yard called the camera and the macro lens today.  One shot after another and there seemed to be no real reason to photograph this rock.  Suddenly it appeared!  It is a dinosaur masquerading as a rock!

Just like people, I guess objects are not always what they appear to be on the surface.  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 19---Sometimes It Does Not Work

      I even had a name for the photo my idea was going to produce, "New Life Bathed in Light".  Well, that is not quite true.  I had no intention of naming it anything, but that was the idea.  I kept looking at the results, I kept playing with the processing, and it just did not work!  
     So I simply took a large picture and cropped away until it was a small picture. 
The patterns found in nature are always interesting to me, so it was not a total loss. It is not always easy to let a well thought out idea go.  Maybe I will try it again, and maybe I won't.  

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 18 --- Guaranteed?

A few years ago on a road trip to Taos we purchased three steel art sculptures that caught our eye.  Since we pictured them on the outside walls of our home at the beach, we questioned the artist about rust.  He assured us that the fired and shiny finish provided complete protection from rust.  Living in New Mexico, I guess he did not understand the power of the salty air that blows from over the Pacific Ocean onto land.  
The finish has been the first to go.  Some day I fear they will be in pieces, but the steel is thick and it will probably be many years before Mother Nature is victorious.  Meantime, we still really enjoy them.  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 17 ---- Christmas Thoughts in June

There are far fewer Christmas decorations brought out every year and the tree has grown much smaller over the years.  And still when the time comes to pack everything away, it seems there is always one thing that is overlooked.  Last year it was this guy hanging from a lamp.  
It is June and I am glad a bit of laziness has kept me from moving everything off the trunk that houses his companions and packing him away.   His message keeps me smiling and reminds me that family, friends and those in need should be remembered all through the year. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 16 --- Concerned and Preoccupied

     As we wait for the phone call to see if her blood count is high enough for the final Chemo treatment, our little Maggie Mae is the sole occupant of my mind.  Our little rescue mutt, with her under bite and a tongue too long for her mouth, is our precious baby.
     Four months have passed since the anal cancer was discovered as she was prepared for knee surgery.  Good news--knee surgery recovery is complete---she is free to run free.  And we are thankful that the anal gland cancer was discovered early as it is an aggressive 

Poor Baby loves to go bye-bye but then pees all over when she arrives at the vet hospital where we have to leave her for her treatment.  We are very hopeful that we will have her for many more years.